Volume 5

Vol. 5 No. 1 


Extraordinary Rendition Meets the U.S. Citizen: United States’ Responsibility Under the Fourth Amendment
by Sapna G. Lalmalani

To Be or Not To Be: Civility and the Young Lawyer
by Bronson D. Bills

The Case for Black Inferiority? What Must Be True if Professor Sander is Right: A Response to a Systematic Analysis of Affirmative Action in American Law Schools
by Beverly I. Moran

Striking a Balance in Connecticut Between Economic Growth and Environmental Protection: A Tale of Two Towns and the Yale Farm Golf Course
by Danielle G. Mcgrath

Notes & Comments

Truth-Telling and Accountability in Democratizing Nations: The Cases Against Chile’s Augusto Pinochet and South Korea’s Chun Doo-Hwan and Roh Tae-Woo
by Geoff Gentilucci

Over The Limit: The Case for Increased Regulation of Credit Cards for College Students
by Wayne Jekot

Placing Blame After the Suicide of a Minor: Analysis of State v. Scruggs and Connecticut’s Risk-of-Injury Statute
by M. Lauren Gillies

Vol. 5 No. 2 


No Child Left (Behind) Unrecruited
by Sanja Zgonjanin

“Public Use” Requirement in Eminent Domain Cases Based on Slum Clearance, Elimination of Urban Blight, and Economic Development
by Olga V. Kotlyarevskaya

When Rotten Apples Return: How the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 Can Deter Domestic Law Enforcement Authorities From Using Military Interrogation Techniques on Civilians
by Raj Dhanasekaran

Notes & Comments

Handcuffing the Morality Police: Can the FCC Constitutionally Regulate Indecency on Satellite Radio?
by Jessica E. Elliott

Detecting the Undetectable: An Examination of the Intersection Between Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome
by Kathleen R. Miller

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