Vol. 3 No. 1
“No, No, No, No!”: Three Sons of Connecticut Who Opposed the Chinese Exclusion Acts
by Henry S. Cohn and Harvey Ge
Reauthorizing Discipline for the Disabled Student: Will Congress Create a Better Balance in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?
by Lauren Zykorie
Book Review
Overruling Democracy: The Supreme Court v. The American People
By Jamin B. Raskin New York, NY: Taylor and Francis Books, Inc., 2003
by Brian P. Marron
Defending an Unjust System: How Johnson v. Bush Upheld Felon Disenfranchisement and Perpetuated Voter Inequality in Florida
by Nathan P. Litwin
Margin of Appreciation Gone Awry: The European Court of Human Rights’ Implicit Use of the Precautionary Principle in Fretté v. France to Backtrack on Protection from Discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation
by Thomas Willoughby Stone
Vol. 3 No. 2
Revisiting the Public Policy Exception to the Employment-At-Will Doctrine Following Thibodeau v. Design Group One Architects: Applying an Ethic of Care Analysis
by Virginia Brown
The Role of Child’s Counsel in State Intervention Proceedings: Toward a Rebuttable Presumption Favoring Family Reunification
by Andrew Hoffman
Maintaining the Legitimacy of the High Court: Understanding the “25 Years” in Grutter v. Bollinger
by Vijay S. Sekhon
Identity Theft: Are the Elderly Targeted?
by Erin Leigh Sylvester
Reparations to African-Americans: The Only Remedy for the U.S. Government’s Failure to Enforce the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments
by Edieth Y. Wu
Notes & Comments
One Man’s Junk Mail is Another Man’s Treasure: Proxy Contests and Corporate Governance
by Erica Laudano
Is Ronald Mcdonald The Next Joe Camel? Regulating Fast Food Advertisements Targeting Children In Light Of The American Overweight And Obesity Epidemic
by Lee J. Munger
Live and Let Live: Healthcare is a Fundamental Human Right
by Anita B. Pereira