Vol. 14 No. 1
Why is Obamacare Constitutional While DOMA was Not? How Libertarian is the Constitution? by John R. Dorocak
A Strange Kind of Identity Theft: How Competing Definitions of “Indian” May Deny Individual Identity by Suzianne D. Painter-Thorne
Achieving the American Bar Association’s Pedagogy Mandate: Empowerment in the Midst of a “Perfect Storm” by Cara Cunningham Warren
What Does the Right to Life Really Entail? A Framework for Depolarizing the Abortion Debate by Rosalind S. Simson
Notes & Comments
Stories Around the Digital Campfire: Fan Fiction and Copyright Law in the Age of the Internet by Jane M. Becker
Privacy Law in the Digital Age: Establishing Privacy Rights in Search Engine Logs by Kurt Young, Jr.
Vol. 14 No. 2
Abraham Lincoln and the Duty of Zealous Representation: The Matson Slave Case by Roger D. Billings, Jr.
Chasing the Unicorn: Anti-Subordination and the ADAAA by Kevin Barry
Notes & Comments
Hailing Progress: Regulatory Difficulties in Promulgating Hybrid Taxi Laws by Drew Sander
Is the Application of a Materiality Standard Misleading? by Carl Schoenherr
States Serving Those Who Served: Connecticut General Statutes Section 54-56e by Erin L. O’Dea